Toddler’s Room Newsletter - Term 1 2022 

What a fantastic start to the year we have had in the Toddlers’ Room! We would like to start by welcoming new and pre-existing families to the Toddlers’ Room Community. We hope you have settled into and feel connected to our warm and welcoming environment. 

We would like to begin with introducing the Educators in the Toddlers’ Room. 

Sue is our Room Coordinator and works full time. 

Lisa is our Room Leader and works M, Tu, W, Th. 

Gemma is our Program Planner (out of the room Thurs) and works Fulltime 

Eda is our Qualified Educator and works Fulltime 

Danni is our Cert lll Educator and works Fulltime 

Diamando (Dee) is training Cert lll and works Fulltime 

Laura is our Qualified Educator and works M, Tu, Th, F 

Yuko is our Qualified Educator and works Tu, W, Th, F 

Brooklyn is our Qualified Educator and works M, Tu, F 

Allana is our Cert lll Educator and works W, F 

Geri is our Cert lll and works W, Th, F 

Chris is our Cert lll Educator and works Th (covering Gemma on planning) 

Relieving Educators who cover sick days, RDO’s, and permanent educator’s documentation, or extra educators in the room, are 

Deb – cert lll, Cat – Cert lll, Liseth – Diploma Qual, Deanna – Cert III, Rachel – Cert III, Maddy – Cert III, Deepali – Studying Bachler of teaching, Hannah – Diploma Qual, Poppy – Cert III 

The start of the year brought some big changes for the Children as they have been presented with some new and familiar faces as well as different routines, physical environment and program. Educators have been working very closely with their primary children getting to know their strengths, their interests and their developmental stages their routines and rituals. With each day, bringing the children challenges and opportunity to learn and triumphs to celebrate. 

We have noticed how well our children have settled into their new/changed learning environment, as they navigate through the spaces and create/build on connections with their Educators and new peers with support and guidance. 

21a - 23 Lomond Tce
East Geelong
VIC 3219
03 5229 1326
Open Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm

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Contact us today to arrange a personal tour of the centre to discover how we can help you and your child in a relaxed and fun environment.
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