
The educators in the babies’ room care for children aged from 6 weeks through to 18 months.

The room is set up to provide each baby with support, comfort, positive guidance and nurturing. 

The Babies room operates on the primary care giving approach. 

The primary care giving approach ensures that every child has a familiar person, and that each parent has a primary contact. 

Each child has a primary educator who develops a relationship of mutual trust and respect with the child and their parents. The primary educator also works with other staff within the room to ensure a positive learning and care experience for each child. 

Care giving is primary in two senses. Firstly - most of the care, nurturing and parent communication is provided by the educator who is the primary educator. Secondly - teaching is primary because of the prime times (nappy changes, feeding, putting to sleep etc.) - and those most intimate and personal moments of care and teaching – are the major responsibility of the primary educator. 

The program within the Babies room has been developed to ensure that each child is given equal, quality and responsive care to assist in the progression of their development. The program covers a variety of developmental areas including; cognitive (thinking), gross motor (large muscle development), fine motor (small muscle development), social and emotional (interactions), language, literacy and expressive arts resilience and mindfulness. 

During the day we offer indoor and outdoor program where children given the opportunity to make their own decision as to where they would like to play and what experiences and activities they would most like to engage with. Activities within the program are designed to be enjoyable, educational and appealing. Incorporated into the curriculum is a collaboration of interaction, natural materials, multiculturalism, music and dance, dramatic play, painting and the encouragement of self-help skills. 

You are welcome to phone staff or visit your child at any time during the day while your child is in care. 

We provide two supervised separate sleep rooms so that the babies may sleep peacefully and undisturbed. Staff are proactive in following the safe sleeping practices in conjunction with Red Nose and ACECQA guidelines. 

We also provide breast feeding facilities, disposable nappies, and all linen. 

The menu has been developed to follow the Australian Dietary Guidelines providing each child with 50% of their recommended daily intake of foods. We acknowledge and implement each family’s decision in their child’s dietary requirements. 

We welcome all parent ideas, feedback, suggestions, as we want you and your child to feel at complete ease whilst in our care. 

Baby Room Gallery

21a - 23 Lomond Tce
East Geelong
VIC 3219
03 5229 1326
Open Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm

Come and see for yourself

Contact us today to arrange a personal tour of the centre to discover how we can help you and your child in a relaxed and fun environment.
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© Geelong Childrens Centre | 03 5229 1326 | 21a - 23 Lomond Tce, East Geelong VIC 3219
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