Our Facilities

The Centre provides excellent amenities, with highly experienced mature and young educators to care for and educate your child.

We encourage parents participation in the program and all aspects of your child's learning and development.

There are four rooms in the Centre, Babies, Toddlers, 3 to 5 and Kindergarten with direct access to the outside play environment which is an essential component of our continuous indoor / outdoor program.

Outdoor Play Areas

Our outdoor environments are designed to have a good balance of natural materials and sustainable practices along with structured and unstructured play spaces to encourage activities for creative learning, spontaneous play and independent exploration.

Indoor Play Areas

Our indoor environment provides developmentally appropriate equipment to support children’s engagement and access to the program to develop their skills and independence. The natural resources contribute to children’s sense of belong and to provide new learning opportunities that extend and challenge children’s learning and development.

The Centre has separate supervised sleep rooms for children under three years of age. We follow individual sleeping patterns for children across the service. All our routines and transitions are progressive which allows children to have uninterrupted play and gives them opportunity to make meaningful decisions about their own needs. It also develops independence, responsibility and supports social and emotional competence in children.

We offer a government approved and funded three and four year old Kindergarten program with a qualified Early Childhood Teacher supported by Diploma qualified and Certificate III educators. We provide above staff child ratio in our three and four year old kindergarten rooms.

View Our Facilities

21a - 23 Lomond Tce
East Geelong
VIC 3219
03 5229 1326
Open Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm

Come and see for yourself

Contact us today to arrange a personal tour of the centre to discover how we can help you and your child in a relaxed and fun environment.
Book a Tour
© Geelong Childrens Centre | 03 5229 1326 | 21a - 23 Lomond Tce, East Geelong VIC 3219
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