Through collaborative partnerships, we are able to develop an understanding of each family’s expectations and can address any concerns in an open and supportive way.
The best learning outcomes occur when families and educators work together. Participation in our programs, give parents and families the opportunity to be a part of a community and focus on children’s education and well-being.
Our pedagogy encompasses a spirit of enquiry and professional dialogue about why we do what we do, that learning through play and intentional teaching are key to optimising children’s learning and development. We promote each child’s agency, enabling them to make choices and decisions.
We understand the importance of a shared understanding of high quality pedagogy, reflected in our philosophy and in the Centre values which is embedded in our everyday practice. We aim to provide programs which support children in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes that will assist them in becoming environmentally responsible. Play is a vital part of a young child’s world and it is with this that we adopt a child-centred approach to learning about sustainability.
We follow the primary caregiving approach which enables young children to establish and build respectful and trusting relationships with their primary educators, which are supportive of the trusting relationships they form with parents and other significant adults in their lives. This does not mean the educator cares exclusively for their primary children rather the educator has principal responsibility for the few children in their direct care. The primary caregiving approach does not benefit only the children, but it also has a positive effect on the educator’s sense of value and connection with the children.