3 to 5 Room 2021 Newsletter

 It’s our first newsletter of the year and it’s hard to believe a term has passed already. 

We have been very blessed with how settled everyone became so early (thanks to our orientation process) and how much learning has taken place already. 

The term started off with a lot of curious minds and a visit to the community garden. 

Our community garden is a wonderful space to go and relax from the room and give us another space to go and explore nature. 

It’s filled with herbs, fruit and beautiful flowers. It also has our chickens which we collect their eggs and our worm farm where we compost our scraps to then feed our garden all the goodness. 

We have been fortunate enough to taste all the fresh produce and have been snacking on fresh strawberries and have access to apples off the tree if we get peckish. 

Our herb garden has been there for us to taste and to add to our playdough for beautiful aromas to enhance children’s sensory experiences as they observe, touch and smell and maybe a taste. 

The question arose How is perfume made? Our community garden came in use again and a quick trip with some scissors and a rosemary bush supplied us with what we needed to go back to the room to experiment. 

We collected our herbs in a basket before placing them into perfume bottles with special coloured water and glitter which we placed into the bottles with eye droppers before adding the herbs on top, we then shook them all up and got to smell the aroma. 

Our rain tank in the garden and in our outside yard gives a sense of understanding when the rain fills up the tank and when its gone we have to wait for it to rain again, to water our garden and to play in. One small way to embed water conservation in our service for future generations. 

And of course our worm farm and the introduction to our room how to use our scraps to feed the worms and collect our special “tea” which to put back into the garden to then fertilize our fruits, vegies and flowers. 

EYLF Outcome 2 – Children are connected with and contribute to their world 

Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment. 

Quality Area 1 Educational Practice and programs 

Quality Area 3 Physical environments 

We will continue to embed these practises in the 3 to 5 room to minimise our carbon footprint for generations to come. 

Mini movers

At Geelong Children’s Centre physical activity is a topic we take seriously, it’s why we offer an indoor/outdoor program so children have the choice of whether to spend their time inside or outside. Play amount nature is backed by research and is incredibly beneficial for children’s wellbeing. 

Mini movers are reaching out to communities to get as many children as possible physical and they have certainly achieved that this term. 

We have utilised our neighbour the Thompson footy oval and gone for an excursion every Wednesday to visit Nina who has taught us so many skills and how we have improved over the term. 

We have learnt how to hit a ball with a cricket bat, how to throw and catch a basketball and out absolute favourite kicking goals with the soccer balls! 

21a - 23 Lomond Tce
East Geelong
VIC 3219
03 5229 1326
Open Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm

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