Toddler’s Room 2020 Newsletter

Term 4, 2020 

I often get melancholy as I prepare our final newsletter for the Toddler’s Room. Upon reflection and omitting the obvious (covid19, let us not speak of this again) it has been a year filled with many new discoveries mostly about our families, community and the importance of connections with others. With the restrictions forced upon us it became even more important to ensure children remained connected to one another, their families and the sense of community we create here at Geelong Children’s Centre. I am very proud to say that I feel that as a centre we offered stability and connection where it had been lost on the outside. Children and their families felt supported and most importantly safe to attend daycare and kinder knowing that our commitment to health, hygiene and happiness is always and will remain the highest priority at GCC. Thankyou to all of the families that thanked us for our commitment to children and their care during this foreign and hectic time. 

While it seems that for much of the year we were in limbo for children in the toddler’s room this was not the case. Onward and upward could be their motto this year as nothing stood in their way of pursuing new discoveries, making new connections and developing a sense of self and belonging to their environment. 

Having been granted the best 8 hours or so of your child’s day has meant that the time spent has been valuable, rewarding and memorable. Having created a sense of belonging, attachment and respect with all of the toddler’s room children we reflect on what has been a truly amazing year. With a mostly younger group of children starting in the toddler’s room in 2020 our challenge was to ensure their sense of belonging and primary caring attachments were made early to ensure they felt supported and cared for. This was achieved and came from the dedication and commitment from educators and the support and encouragement from families. 

We prepared a learning environment which would be engaging, challenging, inspiring and respectful. From our quiet area of reflection where we saw some lovely conversations taking place to our climbing frames which saw confidence soar and abilities tested the program and curriculum have inspired children to be stronger and better and educators to be aware and resourceful. 

It has been a standout year for children connecting with one another. In a year where limited outside social interactions were able to take place we saw children begin engage 

and communicate with one another more frequently and with more meaning. Many children recognise each other’s families and when greeting and farewelling it is filled with a deep sense of emotion. It just goes to prove that we are not solitary creatures and this is apparent from a very early age. Little people thrive in the company of others and we were so please that we could provide this within the toddler’s room. 

I measure the success of the year based on two significant markers, Do children have a sense of empathy? And do they know the world is bigger than just themselves? 

I feel that upon reflection all of the children who have been with us this year have certainly developed an awareness of both of these statements. 

When looking over the year that has been I often have mixed emotions. One is of immense pride and satisfaction on just how many wonderful opportunities we have provided for children and the support and guidance we have offered to children to achieve their very best. The second emotion is of melancholy and sadness. With many children leaving the toddlers room for the 3-5 room next year it will be sad to say goodbye to their cheerful good mornings, never ending questioning and very often funny antidotes and stories. I hope we are sending these children forth with the resilience they need and the confidence to conquer. We are very lucky to have such a strong network of families, committee and management who respect and appreciate the environment we have created for children and their families. 

Thankyou Toddlers Room 2020 you have been amazing. 

Staffing within the Toddlers Room 2020 

Ali- Room Co-ordinator Anglea-Room Leader Mel f– Programmer /planner Christine –early years educator Asha- Qualified Educator Yuko- Early Years Educator Eda – Qualified Educator Brooke- Early Years Educator Maddy C – Early Years Educator Brooklyn - Early Years Educator Elli - Early Years Educator 

Thankyou, Ali 

Toddlers Room Coordinator 

21a - 23 Lomond Tce
East Geelong
VIC 3219
03 5229 1326
Open Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm

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